John Hancock Financial Services
This campaign broke down barriers that long plagued the financial services industry. The campaign won many many awards including the Gran Prix at Cannes and was touted as “one of the top 10 campaigns of all time” by the New York Times.
Every creative element in this campaign was new to advertising:
Our real people were actors. We shot them in the pioneering documentary film style François Truffaut famously used for his 26 films. The John Hancock documentary style- or real-life approach was not done in advertising. This campaign was the first of a cascade of reality television.
The dialogue was focused on the event, no sell copy. Long pauses were kept since it seemed realistic that the person was thinking at that moment. My partner, Bill Heater wrote the dialogue as if it were not written; but seemingly cut from a documentary.
The goal was reality, not stylistically real. As you watched each spot you would feel like a silent person in the room eavesdropping on another person’s life.
The typewriter font was used to reflect respectful personal messaging.
Print began with double-page newspaper spreads and multipage magazine inserts.