As this vibrant firm grew from regional to International it competed for bigger and bigger business that the established giant firms enjoyed.
Name recognition was important, however, humor illustrated Bingham as an approachable partner to work with. The back and forth needed between counsel and client to solve ever more complex, conflicting legal issues that not only differed from state to state, but country to country also came down to a great working relationship as well as the best of the best legal expertise.

 was designed to feel like an intuitive tool.

Partners had dashboard views of each of their accounts
Visitors had many paths from which to explore the firm.

Bingham "Flash Cards" were created for Partners that worked in siloed practices to be aware and able to cross-sell other Bingham services.

Bingham P2 interactive digital magazines were created for partner spouses to feel informed and a vital part of the Bingham family.

Bingham folders housed fact sheets with selected interconnected global services promoting global intelligence.

Bingham, the premier global financial restructuring firm used this poster-sized brochure to emphasize the breadth of its financial restructuring expertise of star Partners.

Bingham partnered with The John F. Kennedy Library to host two events promoting equal justice. We used outsized billboard images of JFK and projected his provocative equal justice quotes on ceilings, walls, and floors for this grand black and white event.

The technology industry is highly competitive. This Bingham poster offers a step by step platform that helps a tech company deliver on its unique vision.
A limited media budget led us to create choke points for top-end prospective clients such as this Laguardia corridor leading and coming from the shuttle area.